According to psychology studies the direct contact with nature plays a major role in cognitive development, affective and moral of the child.
Per direct contact It means the contact with nature, not manipulated by humans. Instead we will talk about indirect contact when you have no real contact with wild nature (It is. parks, zoo, etc.) the Contact mediated which it is what happens virtually through technology (It is. television documentaries and books on nature).
According to the studies divided into three programs performed on a sample of 700 teenagers, based on test, depth interviews, observations and qualitative analysis, emerging data surprising. The majority of respondents who had lived or still living in direct contact with nature bring these experiences as one of the most important in their lives and the resulting positive benefits on their personality and character development. Specific benefits include security, l’esteem, l’autonomy and the ability to cope with situations. Then emerge positive effects in people who have lived in the country rather than in urban centers. Test results also indicate a sharp increase in the respect and appreciation for nature. And other qualitative results report of increased compassion, wisdom and inner peace.
Edith Cobb, child psychologist who deals with ecology, He conducted a study on the role of large-scale experience with nature during childhood. Report of influences positive development of children persists into adulthood.
In particular animals help children to develop their self-esteem, positive social relationships and higher levels of morality. Pets not only bring them the sense of responsibility, healthy relationships and more restraint interior, but also carry an additional element important: the natural world into their inner lives.
The positive effects of nature are more during middle childhood (between 6 e i 12 year old). While some research suggests that teens turn away from nature at this age, the Cobb insists that the experiences with nature adolescents are significant and important, and bring their assistance in this particular and critical age, support, autonomy and opportunities developing their skills and creative abilities, and take the opportunity to leave their family, the family community, to try new social roles and come back with new perspectives, behaviors and ways of relating. And this is important during adolescence.
Adults report that their experiences of contact with nature during their childhood are important and positive. When you asked to identify the values most important environment or place of their childhood, the 96.5% speaks of a large sample of environments country. It is to be believed then that adults who have had more direct contact with similar environments have developed more mental wellbeing.
If nature brings positive benefits on child development, also it has positive effects on adults? Obviously yes, because a child growing well, become a responsible adult and serene.