Flowers and Decorations

Make the centerpieces of roses round ivory and white Fresie

Centrotavola in bianco | Rose bianche, fresie bianche, gisof… | Flickr


  • 5 rose
  • 4 fresie
  • Sprigs of gisofila
  • Green broad leaves
  • Ivy
  • Green feathers


Place a rose in the center and 4 side top (not to the base), while 4 freesias are lateral edges at the base. The nebbiolina (gisofila) between the freesias and roses and so is the green plumed, while the broad leaves at the base along with the strands of ivy.

To enrich it can be put 4 white lilies to freesias but willing to alternate side just higher.

As an option, and to give a touch Renaissance can add sprigs of rosemary and bay leaves, but the composition is already so beautiful and elegant. With a few flowers and very green, cheaper, has solved the problem of the tables.

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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