It took me a while’ to understand that the lilies are the lilium. Yet they are the same thing, only that the lily that I say, the pure white, is said “Lily of St. Anthony” while the lilium it says so to indicate a wide range of colors and shades. Okay, what better lilium flower for a wedding Renaissance? Some, Ivy at will, spices in the compositions as rosemary, timo, laurel and sage, dried flower arrangements, heather plants, but the bouquet? The bouquet must be elegant, so I thought of a small round bouquet of white lilies with lots of greenery and a few strip ivy shooting.
The LILY is a native of the east and symbolizes innocence, virginity and innocence, that would certainly not be my case since I live for years and we also have a son, but I do not care anything about these things, My dress is ivory-white and I want white lilies. I go around on white. Lily also means honesty and sincerity, that should be the basis of a report, so roll on lily.