Medieval Wedding

Marriages noble castles

The wedding took place in the classes of nobility in the castles and were far different from those celebrated among the poorest populations.

Marriages between rich were already decided when the bride and groom had 10 year old. Many did not meet that the day of their marriage, 5 the 6 years after the agreement of the parents. The meaning of marriage was altogether different from what you may be thinking today, namely “union of a man and a woman who love each other and decide to spend a lifetime together”. Marriage in the Middle Ages was an agreement for the sake of riches and property shares between families. The purpose of marriage was not love but the continuity of power and success.

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The feudal system of the time tells us that marriages within a castle were not uncommon. In the early Middle Ages, the Catholic Church conceded that the ceremonies avvenissero outside of a church but after the couple would have to receive the blessing of a priest. The ceremonies took place in the central hall of the castle or, a limite, in one of the atria.

The wedding day was to include an amazing celebration with minstrels, jugglers and other entertainers. The inhabitants of the castle would have taken part in the festival as well as other noble came from outside. The Lord of the castle could free prisoners to that time which was allowed to stand outside the gate together to celebrate and eat leftovers.

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.

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