The child who lives in the city dreaming campaign.
If they are asked to draw the ideal place would want to live, invariably shows a small house in the middle of a lawn surrounded by trees; some flowers, sometimes birds, and, not far, a river.
Against this desire for a green setting, a space open air, what is in his daily life? Flower bed with grass that you should not trample, flowers that you can not even touch, the background noise of cars, the smell of exhaust fumes and, Gardens, the sandpit more or less contaminated.
Morale: if you live in a big city, port your child in the country every time you. Often this involves sacrifices, ma ne vale la pena.
And for the summer holidays, why not choose the country?
The stay at sea, often the most crowded places in the city, with concrete towers, Long lines of cars and a polluted sea, It has nothing to do with the 'close to nature'.
The natural environment is another thing: that campaign is that the child imagines in his dreams or who saw reproduced in the figures of the books; is a yard with animals, a lawn, cows, a different rhythm of life; is that set of noises that knows, odors that have never heard, of people who do jobs that are not seen in the city; It is to see the sun setting. And an unusual silence. And finally, that place, that country, where you can run into a dirt road and climbing trees.
And all this is missing in the child and that the city should be given as often as possible.