Marry Celtic ritual is undoubtedly a choice not very common in Italy. The Celtic wedding is an ancient rite and its history dates back to the Druids. Seven days before yes, the couple had to enter into the marriage contract with a series of acts of purification (with the use of the four elements, earth, air, Fire and Water). As you can see, the call to the four elements, water, air, earth and fire, often returns in many rituals, such as Maya.
The rites of marriage Celtic
I had promised to weave together a string of white and red representing the union of the masculine and feminine side. The wedding was celebrated in Forests, near sacred springs or in clearings bordered by stone circles. The couple had to choose a stone that was washed and purified and symbolized the historical memory of their family and was then handed down from generation to generation. During the ritual the couple drank from the same cup of mead , and further, he lit the sacred fire that symbolized love and passion between the couple.

From the film “Braveheart”
The party in the marriage Celtic
After exchanging wedding ring, which is not of gold but is a simple red shoelace ( which were tied at the end of the celebration to the hands of lovers), Also in Celtic wedding is planned receipt. In this case, spouses and guests, to the sound of music, they performed in circle dances, typical of Celtic culture. Obviously those who choose today to celebrate a wedding Celtic, in many cases it may also decide to have a party classic. Very often also, for receipt, to choose the sweet sound of the Celtic harp, typical instrument of this type of marriage.
Ela Weber is married with Celtic wedding
Even the maid Ela Weber few years ago decided to get married with Celtic rite. The bride walks towards her husband with black hood ahead, just as imposing the Celtic Rite. A wedding that took place on the beach Sabaudia . After the function, however,, the couple have chosen a receipt classic: Ela has indeed put on her low-cut white dress and with a deep gap, designed by Guillermo Mariotto, creative director of the Gattinoni
The anthem of marriage Celtic
And here 'shymn to Ti Ra Nog which recites during marriage Celtic:
"Land of the land of youth and life
earth free of pain
far away in the West golden
on the shore of the blue sea
I own a boat crystal fast
as mortal eyes never saw
we will pass over that land before the night falls
on my boat fast and shining.
We'll go to the shore of the sunny land
Free of priests and demons
to the land of youth, golden in the West
on the shore of the blue sea
the land of green valleys
clear streams and dense grass plains
a land of peace, serena, free from death and pain
where it is always summer ".