Nature and Animals

Back to nature

Today we live constantly in anxiety, in concern and fear of not succeeding. There is quick, constantly checking the clock. We actually created competitive everywhere. in doing so we have also lost touch with nature. Indeed, now it annoys the stench of a chicken coop, natural exhalation of a rabbit hutch or a pigeon. Not to mention the so-called chatter: the crowing of the cock, the gloglottio of turkeys and guinea fowl, the screams of ducks, geese, rabbits and guinea pigs, the cooing of pigeons and the "meow" of peacocks.

We still have fear of bird flu, that these animals could get us, forgetting that this reality has been inflated in order to terrorize. What about ticks, lice and many other things, that have always existed and with which man has ever lived? What also of our skin, which is inhabited by about 250 million mites? And woe if there were! And yet, when we see them very magnified microscope we are terribly impressed. There are those who never had a tick embedded in the skin, yet he had thousands of good deals to be attacked by ticks. One wonders: why is that?



All people, once, lived in close contact with nature, watched, listened, the breathing, touched, the gustava, the indulged and loved. It was nice when he was awakened by the morning song of rooster, that in his misunderstood awareness wished wealth at all. Indeed, his song repeated, because everybody could hear, sounded like an "all-rich" and handed down without interruption of farmyard barnyard, from village to village, of land in the territory. The rooster and his line were considered also the alarm clock of the farmer, who abandoned the bed still in the dark to govern the livestock and / or to go to their fields. Now one wonders what is the rooster, if the hen lays eggs equally even without his presence, and one could argue that only serves to annoy the sleep of people, who went to bed very late, committed to look monotonous telecasts, offering often challenges and competitions in various fields. Life is just a big theater, whose scenes today are devoid of many farm animals. They replaced the verses well-wishing of the cock with those of many actors and singers, that prance, sway and beating the ass like ducks and geese, or strutting like turkeys, not to spoil the mask, behind which lurk. Then if you lose the game, in any type of competition, we demean and cry, imitating the notes cooing of pigeons and the verses sounding of rabbits and guinea pigs.

What they have in common the cock, other farm animals and people? An ancient past country, but probably also the near future, which will see the humans out of the trap of the illusory citizen to live back to campaigns. Here gather the love for nature and will breed again reviled rooster, that over the centuries has maintained its well-wishing song. You could go back to being all rich, when you understand that the real wealth lies in living in contact with nature, breeding animals too, who welcomed the lives of our ancestors. Soon we will find our right size, realizing a future as protagonists aware and not competitive, immersed in nature. The breeding of farm animals could be one of the means to make us understand and take a quantum leap into a different world. "All-rich", then, is the message unchanged rooster, which is limited to revive the ancient maxim, without judgment for our previous behavioral deviations, love for all and for all. A final consideration: the cock is already rich, because he loves himself, and it is for this reason that wishes to other of it.

Sergio Abram

About the author


I live in the countryside with my family, dogs, roosters and hens. I have a degree in Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures and I teach English and German. I am canine breeder, I love dogs, especially Great Danes, I breed. Besides this I love cooking, il cake design, books, humanities, DIY, it-yourself, hobbies paper, the miniature, the decoration and furnishing of the house and everything that is creative.


  • as a child I learned to love the country, animals, insects, spiders and lizards, rabbits, Dogs ,hens and cats, flowers of many colors, bees and the fruit from the trees offer, tasty sweet with still inside the sun's heat, and after many years spent in the city and its wonders, non lo nego, for the vicissitudes of life, I decided to go and live in the house in the country, not by choice, therefore, but for ” need”; I did not expect anything and perhaps that live everything as a wonder and a gift to be discovered, I found a smile and I feel at peace with myself, and when I am in town I can not wait to return home!

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